To me, part of taking a stand for rights to choices in childbirth means taking a stand for reproductive rights as a whole. This includes rights to choices in miscarriage, pregnancy loss and abortion. This morning, news of a protest in Poland popped up in my newsfeed and the power of it made me tear up a bit. According to the article:… Read more →
Author: Jessica Austin
Curbing Sugar Cravings in Pregnancy
Healthy nutrition habits are one of the main keys to setting yourself up for a healthy birth. Getting ample protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and oils and good-quality salt in your diet are keys to good nutrition. Minimizing sugar intake is one of the most important things you can do in your pregnancy, and for some people this is easier… Read more →
A Peaceful Third Stage – Keeping Babies & Placentas Connected
There is something so gentle about leaving the umbilical cord intake until the baby is born. It not only ensures that babies get absolutely all the blood benefits from delayed cord clamping, but also allows for a symbolically slow transition to the outside world. I always tell my doula students and clients that the birth isn’t over until the placenta is… Read more →
Stalled Labour? Or Impatient Support?
I get so frustrated with all the stories from my doula colleagues about “stalled labours” leading to perceived “necessary” interventions that families often don’t feel happy with in hindsight. At most of the births I attend, my clients don’t ever have cervical checks, so it’s hard for me to give examples of all the clients I have who seem to… Read more →
On the day you were born…
Earlier this year I attended the beautiful birth of a family here in Vancouver. They described their birth as “transformational home birth that fills our minds and hearts with awe whenever we think about it.” The family has generously decided to share their birth video with our blog readers, with hopes of encouraging and inspiring other families who are preparing… Read more →