Did you hear about the 3D ultrasound clinic in Canada that seems to have been giving EVERYONE a printout of the SAME baby?! We always knew our low-tech, non-invasive, guaranteed risk-free simplistic method of giving families photographic memories of their babies’ development was better! If you missed the CTV news article, here it is: Ultrasound Clinic Blames Identical Baby Images… Read more →
Author: Jessica Austin

Nourish Your Miscarriage/Abortion
Nourishing your body with nutrition, supplements, and herbs can help keep your body strong while supporting a smooth completion of the miscarriage. Nourishing Your Miscarriage or Abortion With Food Iron, folate and B-vitamins can help your body cope with discomfort, blood loss and feeling emotionally well. Iron Sources: meat, lentils, eggs, seafood, poultry, green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, more Folate Sources: leafy green… Read more →

Cesarean Birth IS Birth
In honour of Cesarean Awareness Month, I wanted to share a story of Gina, client who chose to have a cesarean last December due to discovering her baby was breech at almost 41 weeks of pregnancy. While woman do have the option of choosing to birth breech babies vaginally (read another client’s vaginal breech birth story here), Gina decided a cesarean birth… Read more →

Birth From Two Angles: A mother and father share their home birth story
Earlier this month I got to attend a beautiful home birth with a really fun couple AND my good bud Morag Hastings from Apple Blossom Families. Occasionally we tag-team births where I provide the birth support and she documents with her birth photography magic. The couple, Erin and Reid, have written their story from each of their perspectives and shared… Read more →

Guest Story: À Luz Do Parto
An incredible photo series of a woman catching her own baby was posted in a facebook group and written about recently. It wasn’t known where the images came from or who took them. I went on a hunt to find the source, as the images were so beautiful and powerful I thought they and their story needed to be shared! It… Read more →