Author: Jessica Austin

Guest Story: A Kindred Mama Home Birth

We’re keeping the birth story train going here, after receiving so much response to giving women a place to share! Women often say the thing that helped them feel the most prepared for birth was reading other women’s stories. This really epitomizes the Birth Takes a Village theme… women sharing their stories in the community of other women wanting to… Read more →

Guest Story: Jonah’s Family Freebirth

When I shared my sister’s family freebirth (birth outside the medical system) story and birth images last week, they created a ripple effect in the online world that inspired a lot of women to want to share their stories and images from their beautiful births. Over and over again I have women tell me that the thing that helped them most… Read more →

Birth, Women’s Bodies, And Facebook.

A few weeks ago my colleague wrote a post called Facebook Censored Me Again.  When my sister’s gorgeous story and birth photo were censored from facebook, I couldn’t  help but write my own post on the topic . I am so frustrated with our society’s viewpoint that women’s bodies are only acceptable for public viewing if it’s in a sexual context. People don’t bat an eye… Read more →

Educational Book Recommendations

Childbirth: Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering, Sarah Buckley Childbirth Without Fear, Grantley Dick Read The Thinking Woman’s Guide To A Better Birth, Henci Goer Rediscovering Birth, Sheila Kitzinger Ina May’s Guide To Childbirth Breastfeeding: Dr. Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding Newborn and Parenting The Baby Book, Dr. William Sears The Newborn As A Person, J. Keven… Read more →