General Breastfeeding Info: The following websites contain information on getting started with normal breastfeeding, as well as resources for breastfeeding challenges such as milk supply, blogged ducts & mastitis, and more. Exploring these resources, particularly the videos, can be hugely beneficial to watch in preparation for birth. Websites: Dr. Jack Newman’s Website Kelly Mom Dr. Sears Breastfeeding La Leche… Read more →
Author: Jessica Austin
Prenatal Nutrition Tips
Getting more protein into your day First, make sure you are eating protein for breakfast. Many people skip out on protein in the morning, and this can result in sugar cravings later in the day. Have eggs for breakfast, or make sure there is a good protein source such as nut butter or seeds in your morning smoothie Have protein… Read more →
Rice Soup During Labour
I always brag that even if a woman is having trouble eating during birth, she will nearly always be able to get down chicken broth. My famous cure-all for birth is my chicken broth with egg recipe, which I learnt from an Italian family once at a birth. However, if that fails, I have another go-to to keep women nourished:… Read more →
I don’t trust birth
I often have people say to me, “I wish I had your trust in birth.” My birth philosophy has nothing to do with trust. It has more to do with NOT trusting that intervening in birth makes it better, safer, or healthier. It’s not that I don’t think complications can come up, or that bad outcomes never happen, it’s that… Read more →
What To Expect: How Babies Enter The World
A nice graphic from Sam Talbot, designer, activist & former doula. Do you think it makes sense that only 60% of Canadian babies are born vaginally without surgical or instrumental assistance? Read more →