Category: Home Birth

Dear Home Birth Skeptic

Dear [partner, mother, father, sister, friend], I understand you have some concerns about my plans / wishes to plan a home birth, and have asked for some resources to educate yourself on the topic. You can find a LOT Of information about the research on home birth safety in the article “The Science Behind Home Birth Safety“. Reading the summary… Read more →

Home Birth Understood – Midwives and Physicians Discuss!

What birth settings offer the best safety, comfort, and birth experience for women? Why?

This Cafe will explore current evidence about home birth safety, potential advantages and disadvantages of home birth on individual and population levels, and barriers to and societal perceptions of home birth in Canada. The speakers will invite participants to examine the evidence, the politics, and public discourse surrounding birth place.

Dr. Patricia Janssen, Dr. Karen Buhler, Dr. Brenda Wagner and Saraswathi Vedam, RM discuss home birth and hospital birth. MUST-WATCH for anyone wanting to make an informed choice about birth location!

Home Birth Understood: Tales and Truths:

Absolute Risks of Home Birth?:


Home Birth Controversy:

Family Physicians and Home Birth:

Environment and Labour/Delivery: