“This is the moment of earthly bonding. Oxytocin, the hormone of love, runs high…higher than at any other time in labor and the family falls into love with each other. Mother recognizes her child, partner claims his family. The bonding occurs first on psychic and spiritual level, then the mother reaches to pick up her baby. Mothers have taught… Read more →
Super Secret Birth-Broth Recipe
It’s time to spill the beans on my Super Secret Birth Broth recipe! The joke among me and my friends who are medical birth professionals is that during a slow birth, they often think and epidural and oxytocin is the answer, while I often think, “Hmmm, maybe she just needs chicken broth and a nap!” The birth-broth recipe is a… Read more →
Birthing New Mothers
One of the most amazing things about attending births for a living is sharing in the moment where a woman becomes a mother. I talk so often about that moment when a woman reaches down to hear newborn baby for the first time with an incomparable look on her face of “I DID IT!”. If the father or a partner… Read more →
GBS Testing & Treatment Resources
In Canada, one of the tests offered to women prenatally by doctors and registered midwives is a swab for Group B Strep (GBS). If the swab is positive, the woman will be offered antibiotics during her labour. When it comes to GBS during pregnancy, you have choices in: whether or not to test for it prenatally whether or not to use… Read more →
How To Prepare For Your Home Birth
Home birth really is the simplest way to have a baby. More and more women and families are turning away from the currently-standard hospital birth and back to having their babies at home the way we have for most of history, choosing to go to hospitals and obstetricians only if there is some specific medication needed or medical reason to… Read more →