One of my past doula students had an unassisted home water birth earlier this year. Here’s a Q&A with her about her experience: Can you explain the term freebirth / unassisted birth for our readers? Freebirth-ers believe that it’s a woman’s right to choose where, how and with whom she gives birth. A freebirth is where the mother chooses not… Read more →
Anemia During Pregnancy?
Anemia is one of the things many women are screened for prenatally. The diagnosis of the disease is controversial. Here’s some food for thought: Excerpt from Guidelines on Anemia in Pregnancy from the US Department of Health and Human Services: “The following conclusion is based on good and consistent scientific evidence (Level A):Iron supplementation decreases the prevalence of maternal anemia… Read more →
Home Birth Understood – Midwives and Physicians Discuss!
What birth settings offer the best safety, comfort, and birth experience for women? Why?
This Cafe will explore current evidence about home birth safety, potential advantages and disadvantages of home birth on individual and population levels, and barriers to and societal perceptions of home birth in Canada. The speakers will invite participants to examine the evidence, the politics, and public discourse surrounding birth place.
Dr. Patricia Janssen, Dr. Karen Buhler, Dr. Brenda Wagner and Saraswathi Vedam, RM discuss home birth and hospital birth. MUST-WATCH for anyone wanting to make an informed choice about birth location!
Home Birth Understood: Tales and Truths:
Absolute Risks of Home Birth?:
Home Birth Controversy:
Family Physicians and Home Birth:
Environment and Labour/Delivery:
Poor correlation between coverage of ‘essential interventions’ and maternal mortality
I was browsing the WHO section on maternal and perinatal health over my morning coffee this morning (just like everyone else does, I’m sure). I stumbled across an article titled “Need to go beyond “essential interventions” for reducing maternal mortality”. The article states “A large WHO multicountry survey examined data from more than 300 000 women attending 357 health care facilities… Read more →
Early Newborn Care Resources
Breastfeeding A perfect latch How to know if your baby is getting enough milk Hand expression Bathing Why to delay the first bath Bathing your baby Caring for the intact penis Sleeping Cosleeping Why your baby won’t (and shouldn’t) sleep alone Crying What you should know about your baby’s cries For the mother Maintaining mental health in the postpartum period… Read more →