A traditional birth attendant supports birthing families in a way leaning towards how “midwives” practiced historically, before it became a regulated medical profession in many parts of the world. Traditionally, midwives were women in the community who provided community support during the normal process of birth. When the term midwifery in many parts of Canada and other parts of the world became adopted… Read more →
The FALSE assumption about what drives doctor’s recommendations
Many women / parents are reluctant to trust their own ability to make rational, informed decisions about their medical care provider’s recommendations. I believe this is partially because of the assumption many people have that medical professionals like doctors and registered midwives make recommendations and perform procedures according to, and only to, evidence-based guidelines. This assumption leaves women feeling like… Read more →
Induction Choice – Know Your Info
According to Perinatal Services of BC, induction rates vary widely across the province and have been risen substantially since the early 90’s. . In 1991, 12.9% of births were induced, and by 2000 the rates were up to 27.2%. Current estimates continue to sit at around 25%. This is a very high percentage! Induction of childbirth is often part of… Read more →
Science supports home birth safety
Many people choose hospital birth because there is a perception that it is safer for mother and baby. However, scientific research shows otherwise. I often hear people say something along the lines of, “I considered home birth, but I (and /or my partner) am very scientific minded so am choosing to birth in the hospital.” If you are in the… Read more →
There’s no “Have To” in Childbirth
If there is one phrase I’d like to get rid of in birth, it’s “have to”. There are no “have tos” in birth, there are only medical recommendations and a birthing woman’s informed choice. There is no such thing as “My baby is breech so I have to have a hospital birth.” There is no “I have to be induced… Read more →