Registered Midwives & Traditional Birth Attendants

I’ve been wanting to write a post outlining all of the options women in Vancouver have in terms of who they invite to their births. There are a lot of options to consider between birthing without hired support, traditional birth attendants, registered midwives, family doctors and obstetricians, and possibly also having a doula join the team. Instead of continuing to put off… Read more →

Baby-Led Breastfeeding

I remember when I first did some very initial birth training, I took a course where we watched a video called Baby Led Breastfeeding. The whole class of us “ooooohed” and “aaaahhhed” in amazement as newborn and older babies instinctively found the breast without being forcefully latched on by a care provider. At the end of the video, our instructor said,… Read more →

Maintaining Mental Health In The Postpartum Period

With the cloudy season upon us here in Vancouver, affecting many of our moods,  I feel it is an appropriate time to talk about mental health in the postpartum period. While some cultures don’t even have a word for postpartum depression because it simply is not common, we frequently hear about it our industrialized world. In more community-based cultures, women… Read more →