There is a lot of information out there on what your options are during childbirth. If you are out there getting yourself informed, you likely will have armed yourself with information on the common interventions and procedures that are standard practice during birth: fetal heart rate monitoring, cervical exams, induction, pain medication, etc. But do you know about the common… Read more →
Female Intactivist vs a Circumcised Dad: Some very common pro-circumcision arguments and why they are wrong!
I wrote the following article the other day, and opted out of publishing it in favour of a less-debate-like, more diplomatic article. Hypocritically, I called it: Why Circumcision Debates Matter. I’ve been regretting that choice! So, in honour of of the debates I was encouraging yesterday, I’m firing off the version I wrote originally: Read more →
Why Circumcision Debates Matter
Ah, circumcision, such a firey topic you are. Write an article or post an opinion about circumcision, and all sorts of feathers are bound to get ruffled. From accusations of bad parenting on both sides to claims that we should all just worry about our own children and stop talking about it, circumcision is something that gets people all riled… Read more →
The Function of Foreskin
I think something really important gets left out in a lot of circumcision debates. People talk about ethics and tradition in regards to circumcision. People debate whether or not circumcision has health benefits. But something that often gets left out is that the foreskin actually has important functions that are lost when it is removed. Read more →
Are You Scared of Birth?
Many women fear birth, and it’s not surprising. Our culture has taught us to be scared of birth. In TV shows and movies, birth is portrayed as a terrifying medical emergency. Women in the media are shown being rushed to hospitals in a panic, screaming pain, and threatening their husbands lives for “doing this to them.” You may also have… Read more →