Are you looking for a midwife or doula in Vancouver? I’ve had many people ask me what the difference is between a midwife and a doula. Sometimes, the impression is that you need to choose either a midwife or a doula, or that you do not need a doula if you have a midwife. However, a midwife and doula have distinctly… Read more →
Selecting a Vancouver Doula | Jessica Austin Birth Doula Services
Written by Jessica Austin, Vancouver Birth Doula If you are looking for a doula in Vancouver, check out these 5 tips to make your selection process easier and give you your best chance of finding the right fit, or check out the Birth Takes a Village doula services in Vancouver. 1. Where to start looking for a Vancouver Doula. You have… Read more →
Labor Foods
Can I Eat During Labor? Absolutely! Some women feel hungry and thirsty during labor, especially in the early stages. Eating is especially important during early labour because it will keep up your strength and provide you with the energy you’re going to need in the long haul of active labor. You may naturally no longer wish to eat once you enter more active labor… Read more →
“Cutting Edge Science” as an Excuse for Circumcision on World AIDS Day.
I talk a lot about not judging others for their personal choices. It comes up a lot in terms of birth. I advocate for the creation of a gentle, informed birth culture, one where we do not see birth as an illness that needs medical management, one where women are encouraged to birth with the instinctive guidance of their bodies… Read more →
Does Birth Take A Wealthy Village?
I had a response to my recent blog post, Bringing Midwives, Doulas and Birth Conversation to the Mainstream from a friend: “…the problem I foresee in todays society, is that until you wrest control from the ‘establishment’, your services will be enjoyed only by those who can afford to do so. So more to the point, it seems to me… Read more →